Arctic Dreams, Our Special Place

Welcome to our special Dreams Page where we hope you can enjoy some of our Arctic stories thoughts and photos. Many people often tell us of their dream to see the Arctic and read about the land of the north. Maybe this page will fulfill some of those dreams...

Daddy Do Dreams Come True? ... a vision of the Canadian Arctic inspired by Kevin       (the original story)

A Little Heritage Lost The Dene People of Ft Franklin (Deline) on the shores of Great Bear Lake NWT left our family with an everlasting image of drum dances and good times

Remember Me, Your best friends little dedication to our best friend our dog and a thought for us all.

Check out our story and pictures of our Special trip to the North Nahanni Naturalist Lodge and the Nahanni River Our special prize for the "Daddy do Dreams Come True" Thanks to Above & Beyond magazine and North Nahanni Naturalist Lodge

DREAMS DO COME TRUE An adventure to Cli Lake and the Nahanni River in the Western Arctic

Visit our Arctic gallery Scene of the Canadian Arctic and landscape


Visit our Nahanni Trip Gallery photo scenes of the Cli Lake and Nahanni River Valley

All stories Photo's and material copyright of The McLarty Family  Page design by ArcTech Design & Services